Did William Branham visit King Farouk in Egypt?

    From BelieveTheSign
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    In 1961, William Branham stated that he had met King Farouk in Egypt:

    And when I got off at Cairo, Egypt, just before we met that King Farouk...[1]

    This would have been in 1954 on his way to India or possibly returning from India on his way back to America. However, we know that this could not possibly be true because King Farouk was deposed in the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. He was forced to abdicate and went into exile in Monaco and Italy, where he lived until his death in 1965. He was not in Egypt in 1954!

    Conclusion: William Branham lied about visiting King Farouk in Egypt.


    1. William Branham, 61-0217 - The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #2, para. 50
