Perfect Faith

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    William Branham believed that he had "pure faith"

    Quotes of William Branham

    So then this girl, she said, "Oh, I believe, I believe, Brother Branham." Well, she thought she believed. Now, look, she had hope. But faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You see what I mean? Now, I said, "Sister, an ordinary case," I said, "I could have a little time and let you have time, maybe to take about that much faith and go out with it. But you've got to have immediate attention, right now. For I'm going to be honest with you. You'll not live to see the hospital." Now, the parents didn't appreciate that very much at that time. But I'd rather be honest with you, let you know the truth... Wouldn't you rather I'll be honest with you? And remember, friends, I'm not wrestling with flesh and blood; it's spiritual power. I must be honest before Almighty God. See? And because I realize the danger of my own life, and not only mine, but yours. And so she said she would--she believed, but she did not. "Well," I said, "now, look." Now, I want you to notice this, and I want you to be real careful now and take up every word so you can divide it, of a little something that God permitted there. And I'll--I'll see if you've got faith. I said, "Sister, you do not have faith." She said, "Oh, Reverend Branham, I have faith to believe anything."

    [End of record--Ed.]... If you have faith, I want to ask you and show you, rather, that--that you do not have faith. Now, listen and catch every word of it. Hanging in the room from a chandelier was a string, and on the end of that string was a little bracelet, and it had... It was a white bracelet with little red sets in it where a child probably been playing with it, you know, swinging it in the room. Maybe some of you have your own babies to be pacified that way, swinging something around like that to play with it, to amuse them.

    And I seen that little bracelet hanging down. It was... I said to the young lady; I said, "How far are you away from that bracelet?" She said, "Prob--approximately fifteen feet." I said, "Now, all you other adults here, all you people, just turn your back right around to me." I said, "Now, there's nothing going to be done to hurt anyone. I just got to speak to this girl, because she's got to catch the idea now." And that's the reason I'm getting into these things with you tonight. We got two more nights, and something's got to be done. You see? Now, I don't want you to go away and say anything wrong about this, because you might have to answer at judgment for it. And so I said, "Something has to be done immediately." And I said, "Now, you parents, you just turn your back." And some of the neighbors was setting up with her, and they all turned their backs to me and turned their chairs around. I said to the young lady; I said, "Now, you tell me you've got faith to believe for all things." She said, "I have, sir." []

    I said, "How long has it been since you've eaten?" And she said, "About three days," said, "I can't even keep water on my stomach." And you know what appendix is and fever on her also.

    And I said, "Now, if you believe with all your heart, and you prove to me now that you've got faith... Now, you look right directly at that bracelet," and it hanging there in mid-air, "and you make that bracelet swing around and around in the room. Then you make it swing back and forth in the room, and then stop it, and I'll believe you have faith." She said, "Oh, Brother Branham," said, "my, why ask me something like that?" I said, "I wanted to see if you had faith." I said, "Jesus said, 'All things are possible if you believe.'"

    Now, that's just pure faith, friends. Magicians use it many times to play pranks and so forth, burst glasses and things. It will, if you believe. But I'm trying to base your--the thought on faith so you know what I'm talking of. And I want you to set still now so you'll catch this. Wake yourself up, so when I get through with it you'll know what it's all about.[1]

    And when I can get that patient up to a place till their faith comes to this, that's what gives me a perfect faith. I've never seen it fail. And it never will fail. It can't fail.[2]

    Now, I've prayed for thousands of people, just as a routine of praying for people. But yet, I don't know what's going to happen, till He shows me what's going to happen. Then I have THUS SAITH THE LORD. Then the Lord has brought His Word in confirmation, then I know just exactly what He's going to do. When He tells me what He's going to do, then it makes a perfect faith.[3]

    Now, now we see, at first the disciples didn't have this Perfect Faith. They didn't have it, because they'd had Christ, walking with Him; but then afterwards, Christ was in them. And so, you see, it's hard then to have this Perfect Faith without the Holy Spirit; It has to bring it, It does. Now, you say, "The disciples didn't have Perfect Faith?" No; for they had an epileptic child there, that they were trying to cast this devil out of him, and they couldn't do it.

    ...I've seen it, friend. Here's this Bible laying open before me. I've seen it happen, and I know it's the Truth. I know, God in Heaven knows, that I might not live through to finish this message, but I--I know that it happened. I've seen it myself. I'm a witness of that Word being fulfilled, that I know It is the Truth: say it, and stand there and see the Creator bring a living creature into existence, right in presence of your eyes; you shake your head and wonder; and then look around and seen Him bring another one, just exactly like it, because you said so; and turn over here and say, "There'll be another one there," and look, and there it is! Now, that's the truth.

    Oh, where should we be? There's Perfect Faith. No vision, "Just speak the Word," never saw the squirrel. He just said this Scripture, what it was, and "Speak it, and don't doubt it; but what you say, it'll be there." And I took God at His Word, and it was there. That's right. That's just as powerful... And friend, as your pastor, that's just as powerful as it was when Joshua stopped the sun; because the sun was already there, the elements was moving, and he stopped the movement. But this, He brought something there that wasn't there, He created! I'm so glad to be acquainted with the God that can take the dust of the earth, some day, without anything, and call me back to life again, that same faith, after I been planted in the grave. Oh, my! There it is.

    I charge you in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you come not in this line unless you feel that you got that Perfect Faith, 'cause you're only taking their time, somebody else's time. Don't you do it! And by... as long as I've preached to you, have I ever said one thing to you but what it happened? Exactly! The Lord did that. He did it not for me, I believe. He did it for you, that you might believe that what I'm telling you is the Truth. Now you believe it, it'll be all right, and it... you'll get well. When you come by here, drop your unbelief right in this... a spiritual pocket down here. You won't see it, but it's there. When that oil touches you, drop your unbelief right there. Deposit that and walk away with Perfect Faith that you're well. Will you do it? The Lord bless you, then.[4]


