The Worship of Angels

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    the angel was God

    222 Do you believe the same Angel of God that come to Abraham in mercy, Who knowed the secrets of the thoughts of Sarah, the same One that stood on the earth and knowed the secrets of the thoughts of the mind, don't you believe that He's here now? The same God, just before the world burns again in a destruction? Don't you believe He's here? Then let's accept Him. Let's believe Him. Let's take Him as our Healer, right now. How many of you will believe that? How many of you really believe, put your hands up. Now, lay your—put your hands down.

      58-0309E - Will The Church Go Before The Tribulation?
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    82 Dear God, be merciful to these people. This may be our last meeting time, dear God, until we see You standing yonder. Oh, if You're going to come for Your Church before destruction, before one drop of rain could fall, Noah and his group was in the ark. And the Angel of the Lord, Who went down into Sodom, His message was haste; it was deliverance and mercy. The same Angel, Who had His back turned to the tent, and said, "Why did Sarah laugh?" O God, may the people realize, that same Angel's here tonight that knows the secret of the heart, the same as He knowed Sarah laughed back in the tent.

      58-0512 - Life
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    6 Can't you see, God is—covers all space, and fills all time, and runs into eternity. I've seen Him do that so many times for people across the sea. How that God does those things so wondrously… So today, it's been a great day for me. And now, I appreciate the little sister singing that song just a few moments ago, "Watching His Star." Because I thought tonight, being rather a short night, I would speak on that, "Watching His Star." And I want to refer to it as this same Light (Or star is a light.) that we see appear here, that they have the pictures of It, and so forth. For, It is the same One. The same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, the same Angel of the Covenant. And we are trusting that He will come in our midst again tonight, and will guide us to the Christ.

      59-0411E - Watching His Star
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    You, setting here in front, you believe me to be God's prophet? A prophet is a messenger to an age. You believe I have God's message? You do it? I don't know you, but God does know you. If God will tell me your troubles, will you accept it as your healing, believe that it is His… You can discern then that… If your spirit can touch Him now while I'm talking to you, then you'll accept your healing, will you? It's your chest: scar tissue. And besides that, you are a preacher. That's right. That is, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Believe God. 170 I'm going to turn my back. Pray. See if He's the same Angel. See if it's the same God that promised when He had His back turned to the tent. Pray, some of you, that the Lord God send His Angel and prove that Sodom was at—the end was at hand. Oh, Lord God, send Your Angel tonight, and give the same discernment, 'cause it is a promise of Your Son and let it be so.

      59-0812 - Discerning The Body Of The Lord
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    The Angel was the Holy Spirit

    82 Now, there's going to be many people healed here tonight, because these ministers are going to lay hands upon them, and God is going to heal them according to their faith. 82 Now, this gift of this knowing knowledge, and so forth like that, as I say, just because it don't fall upon them brethren… It may never; I don't believe it will as long as I'm living. After I go, it'll probably come on someone. But look, because the Holy Spirit, the same Angel has already said that. So I—I know that's—that's that way.

      51-0508 - Faith Is The Substance
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    28 And if I feel that I know something and keep it back, then God's going to make me pay for it at the day of judgment; and souls with their hands, saying, "Brother Branham, if you'd a only told us, we wouldn't have been in this condition today." I want to stand like Paul of old, "I'm free from all men's blood. For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God (That's right), just as I see It. And if I'm wrong, then God forgive me. These things never come… I never went to any seminary, never went to any school, never took anybody else's word about it. I went right straight into the Bible in prayer. And this is Divinely revealed by the Holy Spirit, the same Angel of God that directs me to see visions and so forth like that, and the healing of the sick. And you can judge by that whether it would be true or not.

      54-0513 - The Mark Of The Beast
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    12 And now, Christian friends, for this word think: the same God, the same Angel, the same Holy Spirit is right in this building tonight, and does the same thing night after night (See?), the evidence of the resurrected Lord Jesus, taking the ministry to all parts of the world.

      54-0721 - Sirs, Be Of A Good Cheer
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    281 I believe that It is the same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel from Egypt to Palestine. I believe It's the same Angel of Light that come in the—in the jail and come in to Saint Peter and touched him, and went forward and opened the door and put him out into the light. And I believe that It's Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen! He's the same Jesus today that He was yesterday. He will be forever the same Jesus.

      55-0117 - How The Angel Came To Me, And His Commission
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    93 Now, have faith in God. Don't doubt, but believe with all your heart and receive what you've asked for. You're almost a wreck, complications; you have a lady's trouble, female trouble that's very bad, really more serious than you think. Another thing, you're extremely nervous, all tore up. And I believe there's a place in you that you've got a place in your stomach, which is like in a hernia or rupture in your stomach. That's right. That's true, isn't it, sister? Who can heal? Who can make muscles grow together, Jesus Christ the Son of God. Do you believe that it's Him speaking to you through me? You feel like you've never felt before, don't you? Now, if that's right, raise your hand? You know, me standing here, a poor little man like me, couldn't make you feel that way. Between you and I is a Light that's going back and forth, the Holy Spirit, the same Angel of God. Do you believe Jesus Christ is in the form of Light today after His resurrection? Do you know the Bible says that?

      56-0814 - Divine Love And Sovereign Grace
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    All right, I'm just waiting for the Holy Spirit. If you just only believe, just have faith, don't doubt. If God will reveal to me your troubles… Whatever it is, I don't know; if you raise your hand, you don't know me and I don't know you. Then if God will reveal here, would you believe it was the same Angel that brought the message just before the destruction back there, it would be the same Angel that was bringing it right now before another destruction. Would you believe that? If you would, raise up your hand. All right. All right, may the Lord grant it. 180 He's setting close to me.

      59-0301M - Strait Is The Gate
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    The angel was Jesus Christ

    66 I wish this audience could see this. The whole room's becoming milky, just like milk. Oh, friends, I'm—I'm telling you the truth. God vindicates it with His Spirit. And this is the same Angel of God, the same Pillar of Fire Who stood upon the Lord Jesus Christ in His Person and knew the thoughts of the people and done the things. Here it is, the same Jesus Christ. Have faith tonight.

      53-0509 - The Pillar Of Fire
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    66 Look, last Sunday, here. Yonder, laying on my bed, never seen the man in my life. Come out and said, "There's a man at the tabernacle, and he's gray, black-headed, graying. He is blind, and he can't walk. He's in a wheelchair. A black-headed man sent him up; a doctor, Dr. Ackerman, a black-headed man, Catholic man. Sent a man, set right there. And THUS SAITH THE LORD, raised up, walked out with his sight and everything. What did it? Here is the same Angel. The same One that struck Paul down, on the road going down to Damascus, lives in His Church and His people today. It's Scripture comparing with Scripture. That's the way it must be.

      57-0901M - Hebrews, Chapter Three
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    174 There's a woman standing before me that's a praying back in the audience, and she has complications. She's wearing a red and white checked dress. Her name is Mrs. Lake. Where are you at, Mrs. Lake? Stand on your feet wherever… God bless you. Go home and be well. Your faith has saved you. That's the same Jesus. It's the same Angel. Have you got discernment to discern the Lord's Body? Do you believe that I'm telling you the truth? Do you believe that Christ is giving witness of it? If you believe that, raise up your hands. How many believers are in here that will shake their hands like this? Then you believe me as God's prophet. Don't you doubt one bit. Take those hands that you're waving towards God and lay on somebody next to you, and you'll see the glory of God. That's all He can do.

      59-0812 - Discerning The Body Of The Lord
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    120 And I said, "Do you believe that the Lord Jesus can tell me who this little boy is, and what his name is? Would you believe? Would that be the same Angel that met Abraham, that knowed what Sarah… Would it be the same Jesus Who knowed Nathanael when he came, Who knowed Peter and called him by the name, told the woman at the well, and all these things? Would that be the same Jesus?" They all raised up their hands, they thought it would be.

      60-0310 - Elijah And The Meal-Offering
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    The angel was the pillar of fire

    64 [—Ed.]… setting there just the same. You're a Christian man. And we're are brothers, kindred spirits. And you're one man, I'm another man. We're both God's children. Maybe there is something wrong, that you don't know nothing about. Maybe there is something wrong that you do know something about. God loves you. He sent me, then He could speak through me if I be His seer, and know where your trouble is and what to do. He may not show me; I don't know. But I—I know that we are both anointed now. And I know the same Angel of the Lord, that Pillar of Fire, is moving between us now.

      54-0217 - Jesus On The Authority Of The Word
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    204 Let me ask you now. Each one of you that stood, and you know that something happened to you while you were standing, raise your hand. Just raise your hand; you know something happened. God bless you. God bless you. That's right. It has to, friends. It has to. I stood, seen here just now, the same Angel that I speak of, going right through this building here, the same Angel of the Lord, the Pillar of Fire. I've been preaching the last five or ten minutes, under that inspiration. I feel It, just see It moving through this building. Now, you may think that I'm storying to you, but it's the truth.

      54-0329 - Redemption By Power
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    The angel was the same as the one the visited Sodom and Gomorah

    Yes, here it is. I'm going to turn my back to this audience, let you know that the same Angel that was there at Sodom, that gave that sign with His back turned, is the same Angel that's here tonight. It's not your brother. It's your Lord, the Holy Spirit.

      60-0328 - Is There Anything Too Hard For The Lord?
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    The angel was the same as the one that visited Abranham

    Do you believe you receive what you've asked for? Go home and have what you asked for. 77 If that isn't the same Angel… Here I'll turn my back, the Angel of the Lord's in that district right now. See if It's the same Angel. There's a woman setting right behind the man. She's praying for her husband, because that he won't go to church. You believe, sister, that he will go to church, if you'll… Raise up if that's true? There's sh… There's her hand. See? Stand up, sister, so the people can see you. Wasn't you praying, Lord God, has about your husband's needs. Is that the desire of your heart, just praying for me to call you, raise up your hands? She's so overcome just at this time. She's standing there. Was those thing true what was said? If it is? That's it. All right.

      60-0802 - El-Shaddai
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    78 Here, see if It's the same Angel that met Abraham. Not me, this is just a vessel He can use. You're a vessel He can use. Have faith and believe. Let's see. I believe it's went over on that side. Let's go to this side. See if the Lord God will grant it.

      60-0802 - El-Shaddai
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    84 Yes, sir. Here's a man before me; here he is standing right… Let me see now, where's he at? Setting right back there, tie open here in front, light suit on, thin hair on top, suffering with heart trouble. The man with the gray looking suit on, setting here looking right at me. You were praying, "Lord, let him touch me." That's right? Raise up your hand if that's right. That the same Angel came tell me what he was saying in his heart, then why ain't the same God? Your heart trouble's over, brother; go home and be well. Amen. You wouldn't happen to have a prayer card, do you? You don't have a prayer card. Don't need one.

      61-0211 - Abraham
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    90 Now, there's many praying. If I can… If somebody, like the little woman, can touch His garment… Yes, right before me now is coming a vision, and it happens to be it is a woman; she's setting—way I'm standing now it would be to my right, this way. She's suffering with a gallbladder trouble. She has heart trouble also. With my back turned, if I call her name, maybe she'd understand. Mrs. Hanson, stand up and receive your healing. Now, I've never looked around yet. Now, do you believe? Just have faith. Where was the lady at? She's back this way somewhere. Right there? Was those things true, lady? Are we strange to one another? If it is, wave your hand like this. Was all true, was it? Then the same Angel of God that was setting there at Sodom and Gomorrah to give a sign to Abraham that the hour was drawing close for the burning of Sodom, is here tonight. Just a gift to let myself relax…

      61-0216 - The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    110 You say, "Brother Branham, the Angel had His back turned. Will He act the same way? You're looking us in the face; you might be reading our mind." All right, I'll turn my back then. See if it's the same Angel. Now, I'm not Him; it's His Spirit.

      61-0312 - Jehovah-Jireh
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    83 Has not the Bible declared it? Has not God worked with the seed of Abraham the same as He did with Abraham? Isn't the same Angel that met Abraham at… just at the age of Sodom before it was destroyed, isn't that the same works here, He's doing tonight? Is it the same? Is it? Do you believe it? Are you Abraham seed? God said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." How many out there is sick? Raise your hands. How many setting by them that's a believer? Put your hands over on one another. That's all. Just lay your hands on. That's all you have to do. That's…

      61-0318 - Abraham's Covenant Confirmed
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    88 Now, somebody is contacting God. Back this a way there's a man that's setting behind me, somewhere back this a way. He's praying. He's got something wrong with his side. He's got a nervous condition that's bothering him. Is anybody up? Nobody up? I'm looking at the man right here. The man's a minister. He's a Mennonite. His name is Mr… Reverend Miller. Stand up; accept your healing. I'm a stranger to you, sir. I do not know you. Oh, is what was said, was that the truth? If it is the truth, would you stand back up again? All right. Do you believe? Now, what did Jesus say? These things would take place. The same Angel of God that stood by Abraham and said, "Where is your wife, Sarah?"

      61-0429E - The Uncertain Sound
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    208 I'm convinced that the same Angel that come down in the form of a Man and talked to Abraham, with His back turned to the tent, is the same One here tonight. He promised it would be. I believe that that same Angel anoints us, because It was God. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] All right, Sarah, in here somewhere, you speak to God. I'm convinced, sister. I'm convinced brother, I know it's the Truth. Certainly is.

      62-0610E - Convinced Then Concerned
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    107 That stunted you, sir. You didn't know you had that much faith. But I was standing here watching that Light a moving around. I thought, "If I turn my back they'll see the same Angel that lived back there, and come down and manifested Himself, and told what the people were thinking in the tent. It'd sure know who you was, and what about you." I challenge anybody in here to believe the same thing. Hallelujah. The power of God, the whole armor of God, the entire Word of God wrapped up in you: the great Conqueror.

      62-0701 - To Take On The Whole Armor Of God
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

    25 And now, if that be the Angel of the Lord leading these people, It'll produce the same thing that It did when It was manifested in the true Son of God. It'll do the same thing in the adopted sons of God. For Jesus said, "The works that I do shall you do also." If His Life is in us, It'll produce the same. And if it does things contrary to the Scripture, then it can't be the same Angel.

      62-0719E - Perseverant
      Rev. William Marrion Branham

