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    Be Ye Therefore Perfect

    Jesus told His disciples “be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”[1] but Christians today have accepted a diluted concept of Gods plan for redemption using statements like “I am not perfect just forgiven” But in the Gospel to the Phillipians, the apostle Paul wrote in to them that are perfect showing that some had attained this position in Christ Jesus[2] but throughout the dark ages this truth of Rightoueness by faith was lost and replaced with human ability and works.

    To understand the remedy for sin and the plan of redemption one must look at the first instances of sin, its punisment and God's response. The infinite God who changeth not[3] will respond to sin in the same way he did at he first. As we study through the scriptures we see without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin(Heb 9:22), from the very first time that sin appeared God showed His plan for redemption in the slaying of an innocent lamb for the covering of His fallen children(GEN 3:21). We also understand from the account of Genesis 3 that human righteousness and deeds cannot make a man or woman right in the sight of God, as seen in that passage, when Adam came into the presence of the Lord here realized he was naked thought he had made himself a covering of fig leaves, for no man can be found righteous (just) outside of the finished work of Calvary. Now it was not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin (Heb 10:4) but only to cover them but in God’s great plan He would restore his children to their former estate. Christ, God's Lamb was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God.[2 Cor 5:21] As is written in Romans (4:7-8) 7Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. 8Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. This speaking of a people to whom sin would not be attibuted but entirely separated from them making them perfect(being entirely without fault ;flawless)before God.

    Teachings of William Branham

    Rev. William Branham speaks concerning this biblical principal.

    God looking through the Blood, He doesn't see you no more as a sinner, He sees you redeemed. Amen. You're redeemed because He's always sees you through Christ. That's the reason we can be perfect. Not perfect in the sense of sinless, we're perfect in the eyes of God when we're in Christ. That's the reason He said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Paul in the 10th chapter of Hebrews trying to explain the law having a shadow of good things to come, not the very image of the things could never make the comer unto perfect, because God was looking through animal blood. But now He looks through the Blood of His Son. Perfection come by Jesus Christ. Now, I'm not perfect in your sight. You may not be perfect in my sight. But what about in God's sight? There's where it lays. And if you're borned again into the body of Christ, then God looks upon you as a perfect as Christ was Himself. Amen.WATER.OF.SEPARATION_ CHICAGO.IL FRIDAY_ 55-0121

    God put Satan up there one time as an angel, which he was, the son of the morning. And he took the good things of God and perverted them into evil. God's sure that nothing will enter there that'll ever do it again. See? Now, you've got to be perfect. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." Now, how you going to be when you're continually sinning, when you're continually doing what's wrong? Now, this will kinda put a little kink in the legalist. But notice, it isn't what you do; it's what God has done. It's not what you do; it's what He done. See? You can't be perfect. You can't be in yourself. But in Christ, you are perfected. You're not trusting in your own good works, or your own church you belong to, but you're trusting in the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus. There you are. That's what makes you perfect. There's what anchors your faith.LAMB'S.BOOK.OF.LIFE_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 56-0603

    "And that's the way with a real Christian. Did you know a real Christian doesn't have even any sin at all imputed to him? David said, "Blessed is the man who God will not impute sin to." When you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb (not by make-belief, but really the--the Blood of the Lamb), God does not impute to you anything that's done, because you're under the Blood and He doesn't see it. There's a Blood sacrifice; the only thing He can see you in, is the way He saw you before the foundation of the world when He put your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. That's all He can look at, because you are redeemed from everything that was ever done; you're washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Therefore, there's no gall in you; there's no unclean habit in you; because that the Blood of the Lamb has did this; and God cannot impute sin to you after you've got a sin-offering laying there waiting for you. "Why," you say, "that gives me plenty of room then, Brother Branham; I can do what I want to." I always do, always. But when a man can really see what Jesus done for him, and turn around and do something contrary to Him, it shows he never received Christ." ON.THE.WINGS.OF.A.DOVE_ SHP.LA V-7 N-5 SUNDAY_ 65-1128E

    "Now, you're not only forgiven, but you're justified. Glory. Justified: Romans 5:1 said, yeah, Romans 5:1 said, "Therefore being justified by faith..." Look up the word. The word don't mean forgiven. The word means justified. It don't mean you're forgiven. For instance, you heared that I got drunk and--and done some evil things and everything; then you come around saying to me... You found out I didn't do them. Then you come around and say, "Brother Branham, I forgive you." Forgive me? I didn't do it at the first place. See? Now, if I did do it, I'm guilty; but you could forgive me, and I wouldn't be guilty; but yet I'm not justified, because I actually did it. But the word "justified," as though you never done it. Amen. It's not even regarded at all. How's it done? In God's Book of the sea of forgetfulness, your old book and marriage is divorced and dead and is not even in the memories of God. Amen. You are justified. Therefore being justified... it was accused... You were accused; you never done it in the first place. The old union's in the sea of God's forgetfulness. You wasn't married to it to begin with. He, the Bridegroom bore your shame Himself for you in your place. He took your place, for you were predestinated for Him to be in His Bride before the foundation of the world. The Bible said so. You are the predestinated Seed." INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE_ SHP.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_ 65-1125

    All our self righteousness is as filth rags (Isaiah 64:6) as we stand before God (Zechariah 3:3)

    Making us worthy By the Blood

    Blotting out Sin

    Imputing of Righousness To Justify is to declare free of blame; absolve

    Justification (song)

    Audio File? or Text

    Further reading Material

    Martin Luther the Just Shall live by faith

    Foot Notes=

    [1] Matthew 5:48 I CORINTHIANS 2:6, EPHESIANS 4:13, COLOSSIANS 4:12, II TIMOTHY 3:17, HEBREWS 10:1-4, JAMES 1:4, I PETER 5:10)