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    *Constantine began a physical enforcement of orthodoxy.  
    *Constantine began a physical enforcement of orthodoxy.  
    *Athanasius (d.373) and Augustine (d. 430) both supported violence against heresies.  Some historians believe that the Arian enemies that Athanasius taught against were not a cohesive group as he put forth, but were actually small groups of supporters that held vastly different theological views.  The "Arian party" identified by Athanasius may simply be a fabrication - one which resulted in much persecution. 
    *Saint Theodora was the wife of the Byzantine emperor Theophilus (813 – 842).  She re-established the veneration (not worship) of icons (images of Christ and the saints), and launched a vigorous persecution and extermination of the Paulician 'heresy'.  
    *Saint Theodora was the wife of the Byzantine emperor Theophilus (813 – 842).  She re-established the veneration (not worship) of icons (images of Christ and the saints), and launched a vigorous persecution and extermination of the Paulician 'heresy'.  
    *The Thirty Years' War was fought between 1618 and 1648, between Protestants and Catholics, resulting in deaths, and for the most part famine. *Protestants and Catholics continued to condemn witchraft, and killed thousands in witchhunts.  
    *The Thirty Years' War was fought between 1618 and 1648, between Protestants and Catholics, resulting in deaths, and for the most part famine. *Protestants and Catholics continued to condemn witchraft, and killed thousands in witchhunts.