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  • :[[Special:Specialpages|Special pages]]<br> :[[Help:Watching pages|Watching pages]]<br>
    871 bytes (110 words) - 02:51, 20 May 2006
  •|Watchlist]]'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>''' - list of recent changes to watched pages ([[Help: Logging in|logged-in]] users only) ...nges|Related changes]]'''<nowiki>*</nowiki>''' - list of recent changes to pages linked to the page you edited
    8 KB (1,424 words) - 15:45, 3 June 2006
  • * A user's [[Help:Watching pages|watchlist]] will only list the most recent change made to a page, even if t
    4 KB (721 words) - 16:32, 3 June 2006
  • ...''' How could the shepherds be on the hills of Judea in four foot of snow, watching their herds at night or something like that? No, the real orthodox believer ...ging in of a new one. A few days from now, many people will be turning new pages and--and doing new things and making new vows; and it's beginning of a New
    7 KB (1,273 words) - 03:46, 27 August 2015
  • ...och went up; Noah went through. See? Enoch was translated. Noah's sign was watching Enoch. When Enoch come up missing, then Noah knew the flood was at hand 'ca ...right in the door of the ark, preaching the Gospel, and building away, and watching Enoch.” CONFLICT.BETWEEN.GOD.AND.SATAN CLARKSVILLE.IN 62-0531
    83 KB (14,798 words) - 01:21, 17 February 2019
  • That's the thing they're hungering for. Mark my word; write it in the pages of your Bible, for it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, "Remember, when we land in Ind ..., Noah said, "Better get close to the ark. The time is at hand." Noah kept watching Enoch (See?)” THIRD.SEAL.THE JEFF.IN 63-0320
    114 KB (20,641 words) - 00:48, 20 September 2020