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    The method of moving the criteria for “proof” out of the range of whatever evidence currently exists. If new evidence comes to light meeting the prior criteria, the goalpost is pushed further back. Sometimes impossible criteria are set up at the start for the purpose of denying an undesirable conclusion.
    The method of moving the criteria for “proof” out of the range of whatever evidence currently exists. If new evidence comes to light meeting the prior criteria, the goalpost is pushed further back. Sometimes impossible criteria are set up at the start for the purpose of denying an undesirable conclusion.

    ::“''You weren’t there when the cloud happened, so you don’t know how it happened''.” (Since we can’t go back in time and “be there” there is no possible way to prove it didn’t happen as William Branham said, though the evidence in this particular case is so strong, you could actually argue not only for an overwhelming inductive case, but also for an empirical, deductive refutation of his claim, because of the law of non-contradiction)
    ::“''You weren’t there when the cloud happened, so you don’t know how it happened''.” (Since we can’t go back in time and “be there” there is no possible way to prove it didn’t happen as William Branham said, though the evidence in this particular case is so strong, you could actually argue not only for an overwhelming inductive case, but also for an empirical, deductive refutation of his claim, because of the law of non-contradiction.)
    ::The law of non- contradiction means that two opposite statements cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. Nothing that is true can be self-contradictory or inconsistent with any other truth.  All logic depends on this simple principle.  Scripture very clearly affirms the law of non-contradiction.
    :::John 2:21 - ''No lie is of the truth.''
    :::2 Timothy 2:13 - ''He (God) cannot deny himself.''
    :::Titus 1:2  - ''God . . . cannot lie.''
    ::Therefore even God's Word must be in harmony with the law of non-contradiction.

    =The Red Herring=
    =The Red Herring=

    [[Failed Prophecies|Click here to see our video on this logical fallacy.]]
    [[Failed Prophecies|Click here to see our video on this logical fallacy.]]